One game franchise that has stood the test of time with me and my family is the Super Mario Bros. series. It all started for me with Super Mario Bros. 3 on the Nintendo Entertainment System. Then Super Mario World came along and blew all of us out of the water. And after that my family finally purchased it’s first gaming console, the Nintendo 64. With it, came packaged Super Mario 64. If we were blown out of the water by Super Mario World, then Mario 64 blew us all the way out of orbit.
These games were always so simple, and yet so endless in what you can do and see in them. Of course, none of this would have been possible had it not been for where it all started from.
Although Mario first appeared opposite Donkey Kong in the arcade classic of the same name, it wasn’t until 1983 that Mario teamed up with his brother Luigi for the first time. The Mario Bros. arcade game introduced the koopa stomping, pipe clearing plumbers as we now know them today.
No matter where you first played Mario, you can come play it here any time at Flynn’s. Not only do we have the original arcade game, but we also have Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, and 3 on our PlayChoice 10 machine.
Though they hadn’t become super yet, the Mario Bros knew how to have a super time. If you haven’t had a chance to play the original game in all of its greatness, then please come in to Flynns Retrocade today and stomp a koopa or two.
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